Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist

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Talk:Chaetoceros subtilis var. abnormis

From Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist

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'''Original description (Proshkina-Lavrenko A.I., 1953):'''
''Chaetoceros abnormis'' Pr.-Lavr. sp. nova. (Pic. 2).
Descriptio. Catenulae rectae, breves 2 - 14 cellulares, 5 - 13 µ latae. Valvae ab ellipticis ad rotundas, planae, valvis terminalibus exclusis quorum altera (in fine catenulae superiore) convexa, altera (in fine catenulae inferiore) concava est. Fenestra nullo. Setutae tenues rectae a margine valvae abeuntes, basi decussatae et omnes ad catenulae finem inferiorem decurrentes. Setulae terminales in catenulae fine superiore caeteris simillimae, in fine inferiore setulae unica recta, longissima, crassissima, versus axin catenulae intensa. Chromatophori 2, lamellati. Sporae valvis subaequalibus, convexis, valva primaria aculeis grandibus paucis obsita, valva secundaria aculeis numerosis parvis tecta.
H a b i t a t i o. In marl Nigro raro in sinibus Novorossijsk, Sebastopolis et saepissime in regione boreali-occidentali maris et in liminibus fluminum Dnestr et Dnepr. Ad aestatis finem et autum, no saepe, hieme. rarissime.
'''Proshkina-Lavrenko A.I., 1961a:'''
'''Proshkina-Lavrenko A.I., 1961a:'''
'''Chaetoceros subtilis var. abnormis''' (Pr.-Lavr.) Pr.-Lavr. comb. nov.
''Chaetoceros subtilis var. abnormis'' (Pr.-Lavr.) Pr.-Lavr. comb. nov.
Syn.: '''Chaetoceros abnormis''' Pr.-Lavr. Ботан. матер. Отд. спор. раст., т. IX, 1953, стр. 46-56, 4 рис. - ''Ch. atlantidae'' Müll.-Melch. Comun. bot. Museo Hist. nat. Montevideo, III, №30, 1953, p.7, pl. I-VII.
Syn.: ''Chaetoceros abnormis'' Pr.-Lavr. Ботан. матер. Отд. спор. раст., т. IX, 1953, стр. 46-56, 4 рис. - ''Ch. atlantidae'' Müll.-Melch. Comun. bot. Museo Hist. nat. Montevideo, III, №30, 1953, p.7, pl. I-VII.

Latest revision as of 06:57, 10 April 2012

Proshkina-Lavrenko A.I., 1961a:

Chaetoceros subtilis var. abnormis (Pr.-Lavr.) Pr.-Lavr. comb. nov.

Syn.: Chaetoceros abnormis Pr.-Lavr. Ботан. матер. Отд. спор. раст., т. IX, 1953, стр. 46-56, 4 рис. - Ch. atlantidae Müll.-Melch. Comun. bot. Museo Hist. nat. Montevideo, III, №30, 1953, p.7, pl. I-VII.

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