Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist

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Внимание! Разработка сайта прекращена в 2014 году. Сайт не поддрживается и не обновляется. Информация на сайте может быть устаревшей.


From Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist

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(Created page with "'''Species left out from the check-list by references:''' ---- ''Mikaelyan A.S., Senichkina L.G., Pautova L.A., Georgieva L.V., Dyakonov V., 2008 Cell volumes of phytoplankton ...")
(9 intermediate revisions not shown)
Line 3: Line 3:
''Mikaelyan A.S., Senichkina L.G., Pautova L.A., Georgieva L.V., Dyakonov V., 2008 Cell volumes of phytoplankton of the Black Sea''  
''Mikaelyan A.S., Senichkina L.G., Pautova L.A., Georgieva L.V., Dyakonov V., 2008 '''''Cell volumes of phytoplankton of the Black Sea'''  
''Cenchridium rugulosum'' <br/>
''Cenchridium rugulosum'' <br/>
Line 10: Line 10:
''Eutreptia monilifera'' <br/>
''Eutreptia monilifera'' <br/>
''Gonyaulax romboides'' <br/>
''Gonyaulax romboides'' <br/>
''Protoperidinium balticum'' <br/>
''Protoperidinium conicum var. concava'' <br/>
''Protoperidinium conicum var. concava'' <br/>
''Protoperidinium finlandicum'' <br/>
''Protoperidinium finlandicum'' <br/>
Line 19: Line 18:
''Polikarpov I.G., Saburova M.A., Manzhos L.A., Pavlovskaya T.V., Gavrilova N.A., 2003 Microplankton biological diversity in the Black Sea coastal zone near Sevastopol (2001-2003). In: Modern condition of biological diversity in near-shore zone of Crimea (the Black sea sector)''
''Polikarpov I.G., Saburova M.A., Manzhos L.A., Pavlovskaya T.V., Gavrilova N.A., 2003'' '''Microplankton biological diversity in the Black Sea coastal zone near Sevastopol (2001-2003)'''. In: Modern condition of biological diversity in near-shore zone of Crimea (the Black sea sector)
''Amphiprora insecta''
''Amphiprora insecta''
Line 25: Line 24:
''Petranu, A., 1997. Black Sea Biological Diversity, Romania. Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 4, United Nations Publication, New York, 314 pp.''
''Petranu, A., 1997''. '''Black Sea Biological Diversity, Romania.''' Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 4, United Nations Publication, New York, 314 pp.  
''Raphidium arcuatum''<br/>
''Raphidium arcuatum''<br/>
Line 32: Line 31:
''Komakhidze, A. & N. Mazmanidi, 1998. Black Sea Biological Diversity, Georgia. Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 8. United Nations Publications, New York, 167 pp.''
''Komakhidze, A. & N. Mazmanidi, 1998''. '''Black Sea Biological Diversity, Georgia.''' Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 8. United Nations Publications, New York, 167 pp.  
''Dictephanus scutellum'' <br/>
''Dictephanus scutellum'' <br/>
Line 45: Line 44:
''Konsulov, A., 1998. Black Sea Biological diversity, Bulgaria. Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 5. United Nations Publications, New York, 131 pp.''
''Konsulov, A., 1998''. '''Black Sea Biological diversity, Bulgaria.''' Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 5. United Nations Publications, New York, 131 pp.
Line 56: Line 55:
''Zaitsev, Y. P. & B. G. Alexandrov, 1998. '''Black Sea Biological Diversity,Ukraine. Black Sea Environmental Series''', Vol. 7. United Nations Publications, New York, 351 pp.''
''Zaitsev, Y. P. & B. G. Alexandrov, 1998.'' '''Black Sea Biological Diversity,Ukraine. Black Sea Environmental Series''', Vol. 7. United Nations Publications, New York, 351 pp.  
''Distephanus speculum var. speculum''<br/>
Distephanus speculum var. speculum
''Oscillatoria planktonica'' - in Ivanov ''Oscillatoria planctoniella'' - the same??????<br/>
''Peridinium globulus var. guarnerense'' = ''Protoperidinium globulus var. quarnerense''??????<br/>
Oscillatoria planktonica - in Ivanov Oscillatoria planctoniella - the same??????
''Peridinium latum var. concavilaterale'' - in Ivanov (Algaebase)''Peridinium leonis var. concavilaterale''<br/>
''Scenedesmus bijugatus var. bijgatus''<br/>
Peridinium globulus var. guarnerense = Protoperidinium globulus var. quarnerense??????
''Scenedesmus obliquus var. obliquus''<br/>
''Scenedesmus opoliensis var.asymmetica''<br/>
Peridinium latum var. concavilaterale - in Ivanov (Algaebase)Peridinium leonis var. concavilaterale
''Tetrastrum lunaris''<br/>
''Tetrastrum wisconsiensis''<br/>
Scenedesmus bijugatus var. bijgatus
Scenedesmus obliquus var. obliquus
Scenedesmus opoliensis var.asymmetica
Tetrastrum lunaris
Tetrastrum wisconsiensis
''Senicheva M.I., 2008. Species diversity, seasonal and annual variability of plankton microalgae near Crimea coast.// The Black Sea microalgae: problems of biodiversity preservation and biotechnological usage. NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. – Sevastopol. 2008. – Ch. I p. 5-18''
''Senicheva M.I., 2008''. '''Species diversity, seasonal and annual variability of plankton microalgae near Crimea coast.'''// The Black Sea microalgae: problems of biodiversity preservation and biotechnological usage. NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. – Sevastopol. 2008. – Ch. I p. 5-18
Ceratium pentagonum f. longisetum Gourret
''Ceratium pentagonum f. longisetum'' Gourret<br/>
''Prorocentrum assymetrica'' (Wislouch) Krachmalny 1993<br/>
Prorocentrum assymetrica (Wislouch) Krachmalny 1993
''Pontosphaera inermis'' Lohmann<br/>
''Carteria willei'' Schiller<br/>
Pontosphaera inermis Lohmann
''Chlorocystis reinchardii'' (Gardn) A.Zin<br/>
''Nephrochloris salina var. pontica''<br/>
Triceratium fuvus Ehrenberg  -  favus/fusus ????
Chaetoceros divergens Cleve
Chaetoceros divergens var. papilionis Senicheva
Tetraselmis viridis  Rouchijajnen
Carteria willei Schiller
Chlorocystis reinchardii (Gardn) A.Zin
Nephrochloris salina var. pontica
Prodinophysis rotundata
''Pereyaslavtseva, S. M. 1886, Protoza of the Black Sea. Notes of. Novorossiysk naturalists society, V.10, N2: 79-144. , (in. Russian)''  
''Pereyaslavtseva, S. M. 1886''. '''Protozoa of the Black Sea.''' Notes of Novorossiysk naturalists society, V.10, N2: 79-144. , (in. Russian)''  
''Ceratium divegens'' Ehr
''Ceratium divegens'' Ehr<br/>
''Gvarishvili Ts., 2010. Phytoplankton species composition along the Georgian Black Sea coast.''
''Gvarishvili Ts., 2010''. '''Phytoplankton species composition along the Georgian Black Sea coast.'''
Oocystis maerospora (Turp.)Brum<br/>
''Oocystis maerospora'' (Turp.)Brum<br/>
Heterotrix elegans Ettl.<br/>
''Heterotrix elegans'' Ettl.<br/>
Melosira delicatula (Kutz.) Arun <br/>
''Melosira delicatula'' (Kutz.) Arun <br/>
Ceratium fusus var. schuttii Lemm.<br/>
''Ceratium fusus var. schuttii'' Lemm.<br/>
Ceratium tripos f. tripodioides (Jorg.) Paulsen<br/>
''Ceratium tripos f. tripodioides'' (Jorg.) Paulsen<br/>
Ceratium longipes f. ventricosum Ostf.
''Ceratium longipes f. ventricosum'' Ostf.
''Dereziuk, N. 2008. List of Phytoplankton Species Observed in the Water Area near the Zmiinyi Island in 2004-2007. In: Zmiinyi Island. Ecosystem of Coastal Waters: monograph / V.A.Smyntyna, V.I. Medinets, I.O. Suchkov [et al.]; Odesa National I.I.Mechnikov University. - Odesa : Astroprint, 2008. - XII, p.208-218.''
''Dereziuk, N. 2008''. '''List of Phytoplankton Species Observed in the Water Area near the Zmiinyi Island in 2004-2007.''' In: Zmiinyi Island. Ecosystem of Coastal Waters: monograph / V.A.Smyntyna, V.I. Medinets, I.O. Suchkov [et al.]; Odesa National I.I.Mechnikov University. - Odesa : Astroprint, 2008. - XII, p.208-218.
Platymonas viridis Rouch.<br/>
''Pontosphaera echinofera'' Sch.<br/>
Pontosphaera echinofera Sch.<br/>
''Syracosphaera grundii'' Sch.<br/>
Syracosphaera grundii Sch.<br/>
''Prorocentrum marinum'' (Cienkowski) Loeblich III
Prorocentrum marinum (Cienkowski) Loeblich III
''Bryantseva Yu., 2000. Variability of the Black Sea phytoplankton structural characteristics. Sevastopol, 2000.''
''Bryantseva Yu., 2000''. '''Variability of the Black Sea phytoplankton structural characteristics.''' Sevastopol, 2000.
Coccolithus ponticus
Haplozoon lineare
Pericosphaera mediteranea
Pontosphaera mediteranea
Poropilla dubia
Pterosperma cristalina
Syracosphaera ovata
''Coccolithus ponticus''<br/>
''Haplozoon lineare''<br/>
''Pericosphaera mediteranea''<br/>
''Pontosphaera mediteranea''<br/>
''Pterosperma cristalina''<br/>
''Syracosphaera ovata''<br/>
''M.Turkoglu, T.Koray, 2002. Phytoplankton species succession and nutrients in the Southern Black Sea (Bay of Sinop), Turkish Journal of Botany 26 (2002), pp. 235–252.''
''M.Turkoglu, T.Koray, 2002''. '''Phytoplankton species succession and nutrients in the Southern Black Sea (Bay of Sinop)''', Turkish Journal of Botany 26 (2002), pp. 235–252.
Ceratium hexacanthum var. pavillardi (Rampi) Sournia
''Ceratium hexacanthum var. pavillardi'' (Rampi) Sournia<br/>
''Protoperidinium conicum var. conicum'' (Gran) Ostenf. & J.Schiller<br/>
Protoperidinium conicum var. conicum (Gran) Ostenf. & J.Schiller
''Protoperidinium conicum var. concavum'' Matz.<br/>
Protoperidinium conicum var. concavum Matz.
''Nesterova D.A., Terenko L.M., Terenko G.V., 2006. Phytoplankton species list in: North-Western part of the Black Sea: biology and ecology // Kiev, Naukova dumka, 2006, pp. 557 - 576''
''Nesterova D.A., Terenko L.M., Terenko G.V., 2006''. '''Phytoplankton species list in: North-Western part of the Black Sea: biology and ecology''' // Kiev, Naukova dumka, 2006, pp. 557 - 576
''Amphora hyalina var. ovalis'' Kütz., 1844<br/>
''Amphora hyalina var. ovalis'' Kütz., 1844<br/>
Line 212: Line 177:
''Özgür Baytut, Arif Gönülol, Tufan Koray, 2005. New Records for Marine Phytoplankton of Turkish Seas From Southern  
''Özgür Baytut, Arif Gönülol, Tufan Koray, 2005''. '''New Records for Marine Phytoplankton of Turkish Seas From Southern  
Black Sea Coasts, E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences (2005), Volume 22, Issue (1-2),pp. 229–231.''
Black Sea Coasts''', E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences (2005), Volume 22, Issue (1-2),pp. 229–231.
''Cosmarium formosulum'' Hoffmann 1888
''Cosmarium formosulum'' Hoffmann 1888<br/>
''Eker E., 1998. Abundance and biomass of micro and nanophytoplankton in the northwestern and southern Black Sea in 1995. Master Thesis, Middle East Technical University, IMS, Erdemli, Icel, Turkey, 212 pp.''
''Eker E., 1998''. '''Abundance and biomass of micro and nanophytoplankton in the northwestern and southern Black Sea in 1995.''' Master Thesis, Middle East Technical University, IMS, Erdemli, Icel, Turkey, 212 pp.
Distephanus octonarius polyactis <br/>
''Distephanus octonarius polyactis'' <br/>
Pterosperma mediterraneum
''Pterosperma mediterraneum''<br/>
''Nesterova D.A., 2002 (NW, dry estuary). Phytoplankton of the dry estuary and contiguous part of the Black sea//Environmental safety of coastal and shelf zone and comprehensive use of shelf resource: Vol.1(6)/NASU, MHI, OB IBSS. - Sevastopol, 2002, 355-364 pp.''
''Nesterova D.A., 2002'' (NW, dry estuary). '''Phytoplankton of the dry estuary and contiguous part of the Black sea'''//Environmental safety of coastal and shelf zone and comprehensive use of shelf resource: Vol.1(6)/NASU, MHI, OB IBSS. - Sevastopol, 2002, 355-364 pp.
Phodomonas pusilla (Balechm.) Javorn. = Rhodomonas pusilla (H.Bachm.) Javorn.
''Phodomonas pusilla'' (Balechm.) Javorn. = ''Rhodomonas pusilla'' (H.Bachm.) Javorn.
''Georgieva L.V., 1979''
''Georgieva L.V., 1979''
''Corathron criophyllum'' (Hens) Hasle et Fryx; Corethron criophilum Castracane, 1886 ?<br/>
''Corathron criophyllum'' (Hens) Hasle et Fryx; Corethron criophilum Castracane, 1886 ?<br/>
Line 244: Line 208:
''Terenko L., 2005. New dinoflagellate (DINOFLAGELLATE) species from the Odessa bay of the Black Sea. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 34 (Suppl. 3): 205-216 pp.''
''Terenko L., 2005''. '''New dinoflagellate (DINOFLAGELLATE) species from the Odessa bay of the Black Sea.''' Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 34 (Suppl. 3): 205-216 pp.
''Gymnodinium aureolum'' (Hulburt) Hansen  - in algaebase this is synonym of ''Gyrodinium aureolum'' is synonym of ''Gymnodinium aureolum''. In WoRMS Gómez (2005) is not sure whether or not ''G. aureolum'' is synonym of ''G. pygmaeum''.
''Gymnodinium aureolum'' (Hulburt) Hansen  - in algaebase this is synonym of ''Gyrodinium aureolum'' is synonym of ''Gymnodinium aureolum''. In WoRMS Gómez (2005) is not sure whether or not ''G. aureolum'' is synonym of ''G. pygmaeum''.<br/>
''Ceratium fusus var. schütti'' Lemm.  - not in WoRMS or AlgaeBase !!!
''Ceratium fusus var. schütti'' Lemm.  - not in WoRMS or AlgaeBase !!!<br/>
''Ceratium pulchellum f. dalmaticum''  (Böhm.) Schill
''Ceratium pulchellum f. dalmaticum''  (Böhm.) Schill<br/>
''Goniodoma striatum'' Mang
''Goniodoma striatum'' Mang<br/>
''Cochlodinium helix'' (Pouch.) Lemm. in check-list ''Cochlodinium helix'' Kofoid & Swezy, 1921 is synonym of [[Cochlodinium helicoides]]
''Cochlodinium helix'' (Pouch.) Lemm. in check-list ''Cochlodinium helix'' Kofoid & Swezy, 1921 is synonym of [[Cochlodinium helicoides]]<br/>
''Стройкина В.Г., 1940. '''Деякi данi про склад фiтопланктону Карадагського району Черного моря''' // Тр. Карадагськоi бiолог. ст. Киiв. Вип.6. С.94-96.''
''Стройкина В.Г., 1940.'' '''Деякi данi про склад фiтопланктону Карадагського району Черного моря''' // Тр. Карадагськоi бiолог. ст. Киiв. Вип.6. С.94-96.
''Peridinium oceanicum f. oblongum'' (Auriv.) Cleve<br/>
''Peridinium oceanicum f. oblongum'' (Auriv.) Cleve<br/>
Line 260: Line 224:
''Manzhos L.A., 2008. Abundance and distribution of phytoplankton in the Feodosia coastal waters in December 2006// Ecologija morja. - No.75. - 16-22 pp.''
''Manzhos L.A., 2008''. '''Abundance and distribution of phytoplankton in the Feodosia coastal waters in December 2006'''// Ecologija morja. - No.75. - 16-22 pp.
''Mesocena polymorpha var. bioctonaria''(Ehr.)Lemm. - not in WoRMS or AlgaeBase
''Mesocena polymorpha var. bioctonaria''(Ehr.)Lemm. - not in WoRMS or AlgaeBase<br/>
''Vershinin A. O., Orlova T. Yu., 2008. Toxic and harmful algae in coastal waters of the Russian federation. Oceanology, Vol. 48(4): 568-582.''
''Vershinin A. O., Orlova T. Yu., 2008''. '''Toxic and harmful algae in coastal waters of the Russian federation.''' Oceanology, Vol. 48(4): 568-582.
''Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries'' (Hasle, 1974) Hasle, 1995 (<br/>
''Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries'' (Hasle, 1974) Hasle, 1995 (<br/>
Line 272: Line 236:
''Aphanizomenon ovalisporum'' Forti 1912(<br/>
''Aphanizomenon ovalisporum'' Forti 1912(<br/>
''Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii'' (Woloszynska) Seenayya & Subba Raju 1972 (<br/>
''Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii'' (Woloszynska) Seenayya & Subba Raju 1972 (<br/>
''Geitlerinema amphibium'' (C. Agardh) Anagnostidis, 1989  (
''Terenko G., Kovalyshyna S., Grandova M. '''Long-term structural changes in the phytoplankton community of NWBS''' 3rd Bi-annual BS Scientific Conference and UP-GRADE BS-SCENE Project Joint Conference Abstracts (Odessa, Ukraine 1 - 4 November 2011).- Odessa. 2011: 192.''
''Terenko G., Kovalyshyna S., Grandova M.'' '''Long-term structural changes in the phytoplankton community of NWBS''' 3rd Bi-annual BS Scientific Conference and UP-GRADE BS-SCENE Project Joint Conference Abstracts (Odessa, Ukraine 1 - 4 November 2011).- Odessa. 2011: 192.
Microcystis pulverea f. pulverea<br/>
''Microcystis pulverea f. pulverea''<br/>
Aulacoseira subarctica<br/>
''Aulacoseira subarctica''<br/>
Discostella glomerata
''Discostella glomerata''<br/>
''Денисенко В. В. О фитопланктоне Адриатического, Ионического, Эгейского и Черного морей в августе 1958 г.//Труды СБС. - Т. XVII. - С. 13-20.'' (
''Денисенко В. В.'' '''О фитопланктоне Адриатического, Ионического, Эгейского и Черного морей в августе 1958 г.'''//Труды СБС. - Т. XVII. - С. 13-20. (
''Pontosphaera inermis'' 1000<br/>
''Pontosphaera inermis'' 1000<br/>
''Rhabdosphaera nigra'' 100<br/>
''Rhabdosphaera nigra'' 100<br/>
''Carteria obliqua'' 800<br/>
''Carteria obliqua'' 800<br/>
''Chlamydomonas nanum'' 700
''Chlamydomonas nanum'' 700<br/>
''Aksentiev B. N., 1926 '''Notes of phytoplankton in the Gulf of Odessa'''. Magazine of research institutes of Odessa, Vol. 2(4): 62 - 79.''
''Aksentiev B. N., 1926'' '''Notes of phytoplankton in the Gulf of Odessa'''. Magazine of research institutes of Odessa, Vol. 2(4): 62 - 79.
[[Merismopedia tenuissima]] mentioned as ''Merismopedicis tenuissima'' Lemm.<br/>
[[Merismopedia tenuissima]] mentioned as ''Merismopedicis tenuissima'' Lemm.<br/>
Line 330: Line 294:
''Minkevich R. K., 1899''. '''Preliminary report on the visit to Sevastopol biological station in summer 1899'''. Proceedings of the Imperial St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists. Vol. XXX(1).
''Monas guttula'' (?) Ehrbg<br/>
''Anisonema grande'' Ehrbg<br/>
''Entosiphon sulcatum'' St.<br/>
''Михайлова Н. Ф.'' '''Сравнительный эколого-биогеографический анализ видов рода Chaetoceros некоторых южноевропейских морей.'''// Труды Севастопольской биологической станции. - 1964. - Т. XV. - С. 39-50. (
''Ch. subtilis f. simplex'' Pr.-Lavr. - maybe it is ''Chaetoceros subtilis var. abnormis f. simplex''??
''Geineman B., 1903''. '''Remarks on Black sea phytoplankton.''' Fish. ind. news(12): 661-665.
''Amphorella subulata'' Dad.<br/>
''Tintinnopsis annulata'' Daday (aphiaID = 427408)<br/>
''Tintinnopsis nutula'' Fol. (aphiaID = 232077)<br/>
''Tintinnopsis campanula'' Dad. (aphiaID = 163913)<br/>
''Tintinnopsis beroidea'' Stein (aphiaID = 163782)<br/>
''Tintinnopsis davidoffii'' Dad.<br/>
''Cyttarocylis ehrenbergii'' Dad.<br/>
''Prokudina L. A., 1952''. '''Catalogue of Black sea fauna and flora near Karadag biological station.''' Works of Karagad biol. st. Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR(12): 116-127.
''Peridinium oceanicum f. oblongum'' Auriv.<br/>
''Ceratium tripos f. lata'' Lachm.<br/>
''Chlorocystis cohnii'' (Wright) Reinhardt<br/>
[ Calothrix crustacea]<br/>
[ Calothrix parasitica]<br/>
[ Calothrix scopulorum]
''Yasakova O. N., 2013''. '''The annual dynamics of the phytoplankton in the Novorossiysk bay in 2007.''' Marine ecological journal, 12 (1), p. 92-102.
''Euglena aff globulifera'' Van Goor <br/>
''Euglena aff pascher'' Swir <br/>
''Plagioselmis punctata'' Butcher <br/>
''Plagioselmis prolonga'' Butcher ex Novarino<br/>

Latest revision as of 12:54, 26 January 2014

Species left out from the check-list by references:

Mikaelyan A.S., Senichkina L.G., Pautova L.A., Georgieva L.V., Dyakonov V., 2008 Cell volumes of phytoplankton of the Black Sea

Cenchridium rugulosum
Cenchridium spherula
Diatimea centrica - means centric diatoms??
Eutreptia monilifera
Gonyaulax romboides
Protoperidinium conicum var. concava
Protoperidinium finlandicum
Protoperidinium palatinum
Pyramimonas semiglobosa
Thalassionema obtusa

Polikarpov I.G., Saburova M.A., Manzhos L.A., Pavlovskaya T.V., Gavrilova N.A., 2003 Microplankton biological diversity in the Black Sea coastal zone near Sevastopol (2001-2003). In: Modern condition of biological diversity in near-shore zone of Crimea (the Black sea sector)

Amphiprora insecta

Petranu, A., 1997. Black Sea Biological Diversity, Romania. Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 4, United Nations Publication, New York, 314 pp.

Raphidium arcuatum
Sceletonema crystallina

Komakhidze, A. & N. Mazmanidi, 1998. Black Sea Biological Diversity, Georgia. Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 8. United Nations Publications, New York, 167 pp.

Dictephanus scutellum
Diplosalia rotunda
Exuviella asymmetrica Wisloych.
Melosira delicatula (Kiits.) Grun.
Melosira unipunctata (Lingb). Ag.
Oocystis maerospora (Turp.) Brun.
Peridinium biconiem (Paulsen)
Trachiomonas ornata (Swir) Skv.

Konsulov, A., 1998. Black Sea Biological diversity, Bulgaria. Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 5. United Nations Publications, New York, 131 pp.

Campylodiscus fastuosus var. lineolatus (Pr. - Lavrenko) Temnisskova 1994
Dictyocha aculeatus Ehrenberg 1840
Fragillaria interrupta Lyngbye
Fragillaria tabullata (Ag.) H.L. Bertalot 1980
Glenodinium lenticula f. globularis Kisselew 1935

Zaitsev, Y. P. & B. G. Alexandrov, 1998. Black Sea Biological Diversity,Ukraine. Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 7. United Nations Publications, New York, 351 pp.

Distephanus speculum var. speculum
Oscillatoria planktonica - in Ivanov Oscillatoria planctoniella - the same??????
Peridinium globulus var. guarnerense = Protoperidinium globulus var. quarnerense??????
Peridinium latum var. concavilaterale - in Ivanov (Algaebase)Peridinium leonis var. concavilaterale
Scenedesmus bijugatus var. bijgatus
Scenedesmus obliquus var. obliquus
Scenedesmus opoliensis var.asymmetica
Tetrastrum lunaris
Tetrastrum wisconsiensis

Senicheva M.I., 2008. Species diversity, seasonal and annual variability of plankton microalgae near Crimea coast.// The Black Sea microalgae: problems of biodiversity preservation and biotechnological usage. NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. – Sevastopol. 2008. – Ch. I p. 5-18

Ceratium pentagonum f. longisetum Gourret
Prorocentrum assymetrica (Wislouch) Krachmalny 1993
Pontosphaera inermis Lohmann
Carteria willei Schiller
Chlorocystis reinchardii (Gardn) A.Zin
Nephrochloris salina var. pontica

Pereyaslavtseva, S. M. 1886. Protozoa of the Black Sea. Notes of Novorossiysk naturalists society, V.10, N2: 79-144. , (in. Russian)

Ceratium divegens Ehr

Gvarishvili Ts., 2010. Phytoplankton species composition along the Georgian Black Sea coast.

Oocystis maerospora (Turp.)Brum
Heterotrix elegans Ettl.
Melosira delicatula (Kutz.) Arun
Ceratium fusus var. schuttii Lemm.
Ceratium tripos f. tripodioides (Jorg.) Paulsen
Ceratium longipes f. ventricosum Ostf.

Dereziuk, N. 2008. List of Phytoplankton Species Observed in the Water Area near the Zmiinyi Island in 2004-2007. In: Zmiinyi Island. Ecosystem of Coastal Waters: monograph / V.A.Smyntyna, V.I. Medinets, I.O. Suchkov [et al.]; Odesa National I.I.Mechnikov University. - Odesa : Astroprint, 2008. - XII, p.208-218.

Pontosphaera echinofera Sch.
Syracosphaera grundii Sch.
Prorocentrum marinum (Cienkowski) Loeblich III

Bryantseva Yu., 2000. Variability of the Black Sea phytoplankton structural characteristics. Sevastopol, 2000.

Coccolithus ponticus
Haplozoon lineare
Pericosphaera mediteranea
Pontosphaera mediteranea
Pterosperma cristalina
Syracosphaera ovata

M.Turkoglu, T.Koray, 2002. Phytoplankton species succession and nutrients in the Southern Black Sea (Bay of Sinop), Turkish Journal of Botany 26 (2002), pp. 235–252.

Ceratium hexacanthum var. pavillardi (Rampi) Sournia
Protoperidinium conicum var. conicum (Gran) Ostenf. & J.Schiller
Protoperidinium conicum var. concavum Matz.

Nesterova D.A., Terenko L.M., Terenko G.V., 2006. Phytoplankton species list in: North-Western part of the Black Sea: biology and ecology // Kiev, Naukova dumka, 2006, pp. 557 - 576

Amphora hyalina var. ovalis Kütz., 1844
Amphora hyalina var. pediculus Kütz. f. nebulosa Pr.-Lavr., 1963
Aulacoseira granulata f. curvata Grun. in V. H., 1882
Aulacoseira granulata f. granulata (Ehr.) Sim., 1979
Bacillaria socialis (Greg.) Grun., 1891
Chaetoceros simplex var. simplex Ostf., 1901
Diploneis notabilis (Grev.) Cl. var. notabilis Cl., 1894 – 1895
Diatoma vulgare var. vulgare
Diploneis smithii var. smithii Cl. (1894 – 1895)
Fallacia forcipata var. densestriata A. S.
Fragilaria distans (Grun. in V. H.) Bukht., 1995
Mastogloia erythraea var. erythraea
Mastogloia pusilla var. pusilla
Navicula grevillei var. grevillei
Synedra fructicosa Hust., 1890
Tabularia gaillonii (Bory) Bukht., 1995
Thalassiosira bramaputrae (Ehr.) Hak., Lock, 1981 - var. septentrionalis (Grun.) Makar., 1988
Ceratium fusus var. schüttii Lemm., 1900
Ceratium pulchellum f. dalmaticum (Böhm.) Schill., 1933
Glenodinium apiculatum Lachm., 1901 - > unknown autor to this species
Goniodoma striatum Mang., 1926
Gymnodinium inversum var. inversum
Prorocentrum micans var. micans f. duplex Krachm., Ter., 2002
Protoperidinium conicum var. conicum
Protoperidinium p. breve (Pauls.) Balech, 1988
Hyaloraphidium contortum var. contortum
Korschikoffiella limnetica (Lemm.) Silva, 1959
Pediastrum duplex var. duplex
Scenedesmus acuminatus var. acuminatus
Scenedesmus armatus var. armatus
Scenedesmus intermedius var. intermedius f. intermedius
Scenedesmus octocauda Massjuk, 1962
Scenedesmus opoliensis var. opoliensis
Scenedesmus papillosum Pankow, 1986
Scenedesmus quadricauda var. delicatissimus Mass., 1962
Scenedesmus quadricauda var. quadricauda
Scenedesmus quadricauda var. tetradesmiformis (Wolosz.) Chod.
Siderocelis sphaerica Hind., 1977
Tetraedron minimum var. minimum
Tetraselmis komarekii Hind., 1977
Tetraselmis staurogeniaeforme (Schröd.) Lemm., 1900
Anabaena abnormis Pr.-Lavr., 1961
Anabaena aphanizomenoides Forti, 1912
Merismopedia glauca f. glauca
Merismopedia pulverea f. pulverea
Calyptrosphaera pelagicus (Wallich) Schill., 1930
Dictyocha speculum var. polyactis (Ehr.) Lemm., 1901
Dictyocha speculum var. septenarius (Ehr.) Joerg., 1899

Özgür Baytut, Arif Gönülol, Tufan Koray, 2005. New Records for Marine Phytoplankton of Turkish Seas From Southern Black Sea Coasts, E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences (2005), Volume 22, Issue (1-2),pp. 229–231.

Cosmarium formosulum Hoffmann 1888

Eker E., 1998. Abundance and biomass of micro and nanophytoplankton in the northwestern and southern Black Sea in 1995. Master Thesis, Middle East Technical University, IMS, Erdemli, Icel, Turkey, 212 pp.

Distephanus octonarius polyactis
Pterosperma mediterraneum

Nesterova D.A., 2002 (NW, dry estuary). Phytoplankton of the dry estuary and contiguous part of the Black sea//Environmental safety of coastal and shelf zone and comprehensive use of shelf resource: Vol.1(6)/NASU, MHI, OB IBSS. - Sevastopol, 2002, 355-364 pp.

Phodomonas pusilla (Balechm.) Javorn. = Rhodomonas pusilla (H.Bachm.) Javorn.

Georgieva L.V., 1979

Corathron criophyllum (Hens) Hasle et Fryx; Corethron criophilum Castracane, 1886 ?
Ceratium extensum f. extensum;
Ceratium hexacanthum f. hexacanthum;
Ceratium hexacanthum f. aestuarium (Schrod.) Schill.; (add first record)
Ceratium hexacanthum f. contortum (Lemm.) Jorg.;
Rhabdosphaera nigra Schill. (KAMPTNER (1941) suggested that Ponthosphaera nigra is a synonym of Rhabdosphaera nigra)

Terenko L., 2005. New dinoflagellate (DINOFLAGELLATE) species from the Odessa bay of the Black Sea. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 34 (Suppl. 3): 205-216 pp.

Gymnodinium aureolum (Hulburt) Hansen - in algaebase this is synonym of Gyrodinium aureolum is synonym of Gymnodinium aureolum. In WoRMS Gómez (2005) is not sure whether or not G. aureolum is synonym of G. pygmaeum.
Ceratium fusus var. schütti Lemm. - not in WoRMS or AlgaeBase !!!
Ceratium pulchellum f. dalmaticum (Böhm.) Schill
Goniodoma striatum Mang
Cochlodinium helix (Pouch.) Lemm. in check-list Cochlodinium helix Kofoid & Swezy, 1921 is synonym of Cochlodinium helicoides

Стройкина В.Г., 1940. Деякi данi про склад фiтопланктону Карадагського району Черного моря // Тр. Карадагськоi бiолог. ст. Киiв. Вип.6. С.94-96.

Peridinium oceanicum f. oblongum (Auriv.) Cleve

Manzhos L.A., 2008. Abundance and distribution of phytoplankton in the Feodosia coastal waters in December 2006// Ecologija morja. - No.75. - 16-22 pp.

Mesocena polymorpha var. bioctonaria(Ehr.)Lemm. - not in WoRMS or AlgaeBase

Vershinin A. O., Orlova T. Yu., 2008. Toxic and harmful algae in coastal waters of the Russian federation. Oceanology, Vol. 48(4): 568-582.

Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries (Hasle, 1974) Hasle, 1995 (
Anabaena circinalis Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault 1886 (
Aphanizomenon ovalisporum Forti 1912(
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenayya & Subba Raju 1972 (

Terenko G., Kovalyshyna S., Grandova M. Long-term structural changes in the phytoplankton community of NWBS 3rd Bi-annual BS Scientific Conference and UP-GRADE BS-SCENE Project Joint Conference Abstracts (Odessa, Ukraine 1 - 4 November 2011).- Odessa. 2011: 192.

Microcystis pulverea f. pulverea
Aulacoseira subarctica
Discostella glomerata

Денисенко В. В. О фитопланктоне Адриатического, Ионического, Эгейского и Черного морей в августе 1958 г.//Труды СБС. - Т. XVII. - С. 13-20. (

Pontosphaera inermis 1000
Rhabdosphaera nigra 100
Carteria obliqua 800
Chlamydomonas nanum 700

Aksentiev B. N., 1926 Notes of phytoplankton in the Gulf of Odessa. Magazine of research institutes of Odessa, Vol. 2(4): 62 - 79.

Merismopedia tenuissima mentioned as Merismopedicis tenuissima Lemm.
Melosira borreri var. hispidum Castr.
Melosira crenulata (Ehrenb.) var.? Kutz., 1844
Melosira crenulata (Ehrenb.) var. tenuis (Kutz.) Grun., 1844
Coscinodiscus radiatus var. minor A. Schm.
Rhizosolenia delicatula Mer.
Chaetoceros borealis var. densum
Fragilaria hyalina var. vitrea Kutz.
Synedra affinis var. parva Kutz.
Cocconeis scutellum var. minuta Grun - maybe Cocconeis scutellum var. minutissima ?
Navicula palpebralis var. minor Grun.
Navicula liber var. linearis Grun.
Navicula didyma Ehr.
Navicula smithii var. major Cl.
Okedenia scopulorum (Brébisson) C.Mereschkowsky 1901, according to algaebase it is a synonym of Climaconeis scalaris (Brébisson) E.J.Cox 1982
Donokinia recta (Don.) Grun.
Cymbella variabilis Heib.
Nitzschia sigma var. sigmatella Grun.

Genus Nitzschiella:
Nitzschiella lorenziana Grun
Nitzschiella lorenziana var. incesta Grun.
Nitzschiella longissima (Breb.) Ralfs.
Nitzschiella biplacata Mer.
Nitzschiella tenuirostris f. typica
Nitzschiella tenuirostris var. humilifera Mer.
Nitzschiella tenuirostris var. parva Mer.
Nitzschiella tenuirostris var. parva f. minutissima Mer.
Nitzschiella tenuirostris var. arcus Mer.

Polyedrium schmidlei Schroed.

Minkevich R. K., 1899. Preliminary report on the visit to Sevastopol biological station in summer 1899. Proceedings of the Imperial St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists. Vol. XXX(1).

Monas guttula (?) Ehrbg
Anisonema grande Ehrbg
Entosiphon sulcatum St.

Михайлова Н. Ф. Сравнительный эколого-биогеографический анализ видов рода Chaetoceros некоторых южноевропейских морей.// Труды Севастопольской биологической станции. - 1964. - Т. XV. - С. 39-50. (

Ch. subtilis f. simplex Pr.-Lavr. - maybe it is Chaetoceros subtilis var. abnormis f. simplex??

Geineman B., 1903. Remarks on Black sea phytoplankton. Fish. ind. news(12): 661-665.

Amphorella subulata Dad.
Tintinnopsis annulata Daday (aphiaID = 427408)
Tintinnopsis nutula Fol. (aphiaID = 232077)
Tintinnopsis campanula Dad. (aphiaID = 163913)
Tintinnopsis beroidea Stein (aphiaID = 163782)
Tintinnopsis davidoffii Dad.
Cyttarocylis ehrenbergii Dad.

Prokudina L. A., 1952. Catalogue of Black sea fauna and flora near Karadag biological station. Works of Karagad biol. st. Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR(12): 116-127.

Peridinium oceanicum f. oblongum Auriv.
Ceratium tripos f. lata Lachm.
Chlorocystis cohnii (Wright) Reinhardt
Calothrix crustacea
Calothrix parasitica
Calothrix scopulorum

Yasakova O. N., 2013. The annual dynamics of the phytoplankton in the Novorossiysk bay in 2007. Marine ecological journal, 12 (1), p. 92-102.

Euglena aff globulifera Van Goor
Euglena aff pascher Swir
Plagioselmis punctata Butcher
Plagioselmis prolonga Butcher ex Novarino

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