Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist

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Внимание! Разработка сайта прекращена в 2014 году. Сайт не поддрживается и не обновляется. Информация на сайте может быть устаревшей.

Senicheva M.I., 2008

From Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist

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-Pontosphaera inermis Lohmann
-Pontosphaera inermis Lohmann
-Calciosolenia granii var. cylindrothecaegormis
-Calciosolenia granii var. cylindrothecaeformis (added to checklist, check regions)
-Triceratium fuvus Ehrenberg  -  favus/fusus ????
-Triceratium fuvus Ehrenberg  -  favus/fusus ????

Revision as of 12:25, 26 September 2010

Senicheva M.I., 2008. Species diversity, seasonal and annual variability of plankton microalgae near Crimea coast.// The Black Sea microalgae: problems of biodiversity preservation and biotechnological usage. NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. – Sevastopol. 2008. – Ch. I p. 5-18

Status: List almost fully included in the Black Sea phytoplankton checklist (except 14 species)

Period: 1983 - 2006

Group: Phytoplankton


Senicheva M I 2008 map.png

The list is based on phytoplankton species diversity investigations in Sevastopol bay, Sevastopol coastal zone, Laspi bay and Karadag.

In Sevastopol coastal zone from September 1996 till August 1996 samples were taken on 3 stations (transection from coast to open sea). Samples were taken on depth levels from surface to bottom 3 times a month. In Sevastopol bay samples were taken in 2000 – 2006 on 2 stations from surface every 10 days. In 2000 – 2005 in Sevastopol coastal zone samples were taken from 14 stations. The samples were taken by bathometer from surfer to bottom (40-80m). In Laspi bay samples were taken in 1983- 1995 during 11 complex oceanographic investigations (8 stations) and 2 fixed stations (1 -3 times a month). In Karadag investigations were done 1-4 times a year in 1985 – 2006.

Метод: взять из книги стр. 5 последний абзац.


-Ceratium pentagonum f. longisetum Gourret

-Diplopsalis lenticula f.globularis Kisselev

-Prorocentrum assymetrica (Wislouch) Krachmalny 1993

-Syracosphaera bifenestrata Schiller (added to checklist, check regions)

-Pontosphaera inermis Lohmann

-Calciosolenia granii var. cylindrothecaeformis (added to checklist, check regions)

-Triceratium fuvus Ehrenberg - favus/fusus ????

-Proboscia alata f. indica (H. Péragallo) Ostenfeld

-Chaetoceros divergens Cleve

-Chaetoceros divergens var. papilionis Senicheva

-Tetraselmis bilobata Rouchijajnen

-Tetraselmis viridis Rouchijajnen

-Carteria willei Schiller

-Chlorocystis reinchardii (Gardn) A.Zin

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The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution

Partly supported by OceanUkraine project

OCEAN-UKRAINE is a project Supported by the Flemish Government - Department of Foreign Affairs

Black sea SCENE project