Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist

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  author = {Proshkina-Lavrenko A.I.},
  author = {Proshkina-Lavrenko A. I.},
  title = {Diatomovye vodorosli planktona Chernogo morya},
  title = {Diatomovye vodorosli planktona Chernogo morya},
  series = {},
  series = {},

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@INCOLLECTION{Ivanov1965, author = {Ivanov A. I.}, title = {Characteristics of the qualitative composition of Black Sea phytoplankton}, booktitle = {The study of plankton of the Black and Azov seas}, year = {1965}, pages = {17-35}, publisher = {Naukova dumka}, address = {Kiev}, bsphytonum = {1}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Gomez2004, author = {Gomez F. and Boicenko L.}, title = {An annotated checklist of dinoflagellates in the Black Sea}, year = 2004, journal = {Hidrobiologia}, volume = {517}, pages = {43-59}, bsphytonum = {9}, bsphyto = {x} } @INCOLLECTION{Reinhard1909, author = "Reinhard L. V.", title = "The Black Sea phytoplankton from the Kertch Bay, the Bosporus and Marmara Sea", booktitle = "Trud. Obstch. Ispit. Prir. Pr. Harkovsk. Univ.", volume = 13, year = 1909, pages = {3-31}, bsphytonum = {22}, bsphyto = {x} } @INCOLLECTION{PolikarpovEtAll2003, author = "Polikarpov I. G. and Saburova M. A. and Manzhos T. V. and Pavlovskaya T. V. and Gavrilova N. A.", title = "Microplankton biological diversity in the Black Sea coastal zone near Sevastopol (2001-2003)", editor = "Eremeev V.N., Gaevskaya A.V.", chapter = 1, institution = "Institute of Biology of the southern Seas, NAS Ukraine", publisher = "Ekosi-Gidrophizika", address = "Sevastopol", booktitle = "Modern condition of biological diversity in near-shore zone of Crimea (the Black sea sector)", year = 2003, pages = {16-42}, bsphytonum = {3}, bsphyto = {x} } @BOOK{Petranu1997, author = {Petranu A.}, title = {Black Sea Biological Diversity, Romania}, series = {Black Sea Environmental Series}, volume = {4}, publisher = {United Nations Publication}, address = {New York}, year = 1997, pages = {315}, bsphytonum ={4}, bsphyto = {x} } @BOOK{Komakhidze1998, author = {Komakhidze A. and Mazmanidi N.}, title = {Black Sea Biological Diversity, Georgia}, series = {Black Sea Environmental Series}, volume = {8}, publisher = {United Nations Publication}, address = {New York}, year = 1998, pages = {167}, bsphytonum ={5}, bsphyto = {x} } @BOOK{Konsulov1998, author = {Konsulov A.}, title = {Black Sea Biological Diversity, Bulgaria}, series = {Black Sea Environmental Series}, volume = {5}, publisher = {United Nations Publication}, address = {New York}, year = 1998, pages = {131}, bsphytonum ={6} } @BOOK{Ozturk1998, author = {Ozturk B.}, title = {Black Sea Biological Diversity, Turkey}, series = {Black Sea Environmental Series}, volume = {9}, publisher = {United Nations Publication}, address = {New York}, year = 1998, pages = {144}, bsphytonum ={7}, bsphyto = {x} } @BOOK{Zaitsev1998, author = {Zaitsev Y. P. and Alexandrov B. G.}, title = {Black Sea Biological Diversity, Ukraine}, series = {Black Sea Environmental Series}, volume = {7}, publisher = {United Nations Publication}, address = {New York}, year = 1998, pages = {351}, bsphytonum ={8}, bsphyto = {x} } @INCOLLECTION{Senicheva2008, author = {Senicheva M. I.}, title = {Species diversity, seasonal and annual variability of plankton microalgae near Crimea coast}, booktitle = {The Black Sea microalgae: problems of biodiversity preservation and biotechnological usage}, institution = "Institute of Biology of the southern Seas, NAS Ukraine", chapter = {I}, publisher = {}, address = {}, year = 2008, pages = {5-18}, bsphytonum ={10}, bsphyto = {x} } @MISC{Mikaelyan2008, author = {Mikaelyan A.S. and Senichkina L.G. and Pautova L.A. and Georgieva L.V. and Dyakonov V.}, title = {Cell volumes of phytoplankton of the Black Sea}, note = {Database}, year = 2008, bsphytonum ={2}, bsphyto = {x} } @MISC{Moncheva2010, author = {Moncheva S.}, title = {Species lists based on sampling identifications and literature}, note = {Personal list. Bulgarian waters}, year = 2010, bsphytonum ={11}, bsphyto = {x} } @MISC{Yasakova2010, author = {Yasakova O.}, title = {Phytoplankton of the northern-eastern part of Black Sea 1995 -2009}, note = {Personal list}, year = 2010, bsphytonum ={12}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Pereyaslavtseva1886, author = {Pereyaslavtseva S. M.}, title = {Protoza of the Black Sea}, year = 1886, journal = {Notes of Novorossiysk naturalists society}, volume = {10}, pages = {79-144}, bsphytonum = {13}, bsphyto = {x} } @INBOOK{Krakhmalnyy2006, author = {Krakhmalnyy A.F. and Panina Z.A. and Krakhmalnyy M.A.}, editor = {P.M.Tsarenko and S.P.Wasser and E.Nevo}, title = {Dinophyta. Algae of Ukraine: Diversity, Nomenclature, Taxonomy, Ecology and Geography}, pages = {470-532}, publisher = {Ruggell. A.R.A. Gantner Verlag K.G.}, address = {Liechtenstein}, year = 2006, volume = {1}, bsphytonum ={14}, bsphyto = {x} } @BOOK{Kiselev1950, author = {Kiselev I.A.}, title = {Thecate Flagellates (Dinoflagellata) of the Seas and Freshwater Reservoirs of the USSR}, series = {}, volume = {}, publisher = {USSR Acad. Sci. Publ. House}, address = {Moscow-Leningrad}, year = 1950, pages = {280}, bsphytonum ={15}, bsphyto = {x} } @BOOK{Proshkina-Lavrenko1955, author = {Proshkina-Lavrenko A. I.}, title = {Diatomovye vodorosli planktona Chernogo morya}, series = {}, volume = {}, publisher = {AN SSSR}, address = {Moscow-Leningrad}, year = 1955, pages = {222}, bsphytonum ={16}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Boicenco1987, author = {Boicenco L. Updated list from Bodeanu N.}, title = {Structure et dynamique de l'algoflore unicellulaire dans les eaux du littoral Roumain de la Mer Noire}, year = {1987-1988}, journal = {Research Marines}, number = {20/21}, pages = {19-250}, bsphytonum = {17}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Morozova-Vodyanitskaya1948, author = {Morozova-Vodyanitskaya N.V.}, title = {Phytoplankton of the Black Sea: Part 1}, journal = {Tr. Sevast. Biol. Stantsii}, volume = {6}, address = {SSSR}, year = 1948, pages = {39–72}, bsphytonum ={18}, bsphyto = {x} } @MISC{Gvarishvili2010, author = {Gvarishvili Ts.}, title = {Phytoplankton species composition along the Georgian Black Sea coast}, note = {Personal list}, year = 2010, bsphytonum ={19}, bsphyto = {x} } @INCOLLECTION{Dereziuk2008, author = {Dereziuk N.}, title = {List of Phytoplankton Species Observed in the Water Area near the Zmiinyi Island in 2004-2007}, booktitle = {Zmiinyi Island. Ecosystem of Coastal Waters: monograph}, institution = "Odesa National I.I.Mechnikov University", chapter = {XII}, publisher = {Astroprint}, address = {Odesa}, year = 2008, pages = {208-218}, bsphytonum ={20}, bsphyto = {x} } @PHDTHESIS{Bryantseva2000, author = {Bryantseva Yu.}, title = {Variability of the Black Sea phytoplankton structural characteristics}, year = 2000, school = {Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, NASU}, bsphytonum ={21}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Morozova-Vodyanitskaya1954, author = {Morozova-Vodyanitskaya N.V.}, title = {Phytoplankton of the Black Sea: Part 2}, journal = {Tr. Sevast. Biol. Stantsii}, volume = {8}, address = {SSSR}, year = 1954, pages = {11-99}, bsphytonum ={23}, bsphyto = {x} } @INCOLLECTION{Senichkina2001, author = {Senichkina L. G. and Altukhov D. A. and Kuzmenko L. V. and Georgieva L. V. and Kovaleva T. M. and Senicheva M. I.}, title = {Species diversity of Black Sea phytoplankton in the southeastern coast of Crimea. Karadag: History, biology, archaeology}, booktitle = {Collection of papers dedicated to 85th anniversary of Karadag Scientific Station}, year = 2001, publisher = {Sonat}, address = {Simferopol}, pages = {119-125}, bsphytonum = {24}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Turkoglu2002, author = {Turkoglu M. and Koray T.}, title = {Phytoplankton species succession and nutrients in the Southern Black Sea (Bay of Sinop)}, year = 2002, journal = {Turkish Journal of Botany}, number = {26}, pages = {235–252}, bsphytonum = {25}, bsphyto = {x} } @MISC{Bryantseva2010, author = {Bryantseva Yu.}, title = {Sevastopol Bay phytoplankton monitoring database}, note = {Database}, year = 2010, bsphytonum ={26}, bsphyto = {x} } @INBOOK{Nesterova2006, author = {Nesterova D.A. and Terenko L.M. and Terenko G. V.}, title = {North-Western part of the Black Sea: biology and ecology}, pages = {557-576}, publisher = {Naukova dumka}, address = {Kiev}, year = 2006, bsphytonum ={27}, bsphyto = {x} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Terenko2007, author = {Terenko L.M.}, title = {Инвазии планктонных диатомовых в прибрежную экосистему Украинского региона Черного моря}, booktitle = {Морфология, клеточная биология, экология, флористика и история развития диатомовых водорослей: X международная научная конференция диатомологов СНГ}, year = 2007, address = {Minsk, 9-14 September}, pages = {153-156}, bsphytonum = {28}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Terenko2001, author = {Terenko L.M. and Terenko G.V.}, title = {Редкий и интересный вид Thalassiothrix mediterranea Pavill. (Bacillariophyta) в Чёрном море}, year = 2001, journal = {Альгология}, volume = {11}, number = {3}, pages = {398-402}, bsphytonum = {29}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Krakhmalniy2005, author = {Krakhmalniy A.F.}, title = {Prorocentrum dentatum (Dinoflagellata) — новый для Черного моря вид динофлагеллят}, year = 2005, journal = {Вестник зоологии}, volume = {39}, number = {6}, pages = {61–64}, bsphytonum = {30}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Velikova1999, author = {Velikova V. and Larsen J.}, title = {The Prorocentrum cordatum/Prorocentrum minimum taxonomic problem}, year = 1999, journal = {Grana}, volume = {38}, pages = {108-112}, bsphytonum = {31}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Baytut2005, author = {Baytut O. and Gonulol A. and Koray T.}, title = {New records for marine phytoplankton of Turkish Seas from Southern Black Sea coasts}, year = 2005, journal = {E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences}, volume = {22}, number = {1-2}, pages = {229–231}, bsphytonum = {32}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Vershinin2005, author = "Vershinin A.O. and Moruchkov A.A. and Leighfield T. et al.", title = {Potentially toxic algae in northeast Black sea coastal phytoplankton in 2000-2002}, year = 2005, journal = {Oceanology}, volume = {45}, number = {2}, pages = {240-248}, bsphytonum = {33}, bsphyto = {x} } @MASTERSTHESIS{Eker1998, author = {Eker E.}, title = {Abundance and biomass of micro and nanophytoplankton in the northwestern and southern Black Sea in 1995}, school = {Middle East Technical University, IMS}, address = {Erdemli, Icel, Turkey}, year = 1998, bsphytonum = {34}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Nesterova2002, author = {Nesterova D.A.}, title = {Phytoplankton of the dry estuary and contiguous part of the Black sea}, year = 2002, journal = {Environmental safety of coastal and shelf zone and comprehensive use of shelf resource}, volume = {1}, number = {6}, pages = {355-364}, bsphytonum = {35}, bsphyto = {x} } @BOOK{Ryabushko2003, author = {Ryabushko L.I.}, title = {Potentially harmful microalgae of the Azov and Black Sea basin}, publisher = {EKOSI-Gidrofizika}, address = {Sevastopol}, year = 2003, pages = {288}, bsphytonum ={36}, bsphyto = {x} } @PHDTHESIS{Georgieva1979, author = {Georgieva L.V.}, title = {Phytoplankton of straits and nearest waters of Mediterranean basin (Фитопланктон проливов и прилежащих вод Средиземноморского бассейна)}, school = {Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, NASU}, address = {Sevastopol, Ukraine}, year = 1979, bsphytonum = {38}, bsphyto = {x} } @INCOLLECTION{Belogorskaya1965, author = {Belogorskaya E.V. and Kondratjyeva T.M.}, title = {Распределение фитопланктона в Черном море}, year = 1965, booktitle = {Исследования планктона Черного и Азовского морей}, publisher = {Наукова думка}, address = {Киев}, pages = {35- 68} } @INCOLLECTION{Kuzmenko1966, author = {Kuzmenko L.V.}, title = {Два вида динофлагеллят новых для Черного моря}, year = 1966, booktitle = {Новости систематики низших растений}, publisher = {Наука}, address = {М. -Л.}, pages = {51 - 54}, bsphytonum = {39}, bsphyto = {x} } @INCOLLECTION{Rouchijajnen1966, author = {Rouchijajnen M.I.}, title = {Два вида подвижных золотистых водорослей Черного моря}, year = 1966, booktitle = {Новости систематики низших растений}, publisher = {Наука}, address = {М. -Л.}, pages = {10 - 15}, bsphytonum = {40}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Terenko2008, author = {Tarasenko A. A. and Terenko L. M.}, title = {Особенности экологии и распределения диатомовой водоросли Attheya decora West, 1860 в Одесском заливе (Черное море)}, year = 2008, journal = {Вісник ОНУ}, volume = {13}, number = {14}, note = "Біологія", pages = {111-117}, bsphytonum = {41}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Senicheva2002, author = {Senicheva M.I.}, title = {Новые и редкие для Черного моря виды диатомовых и динофитовых водорослей}, year = 2002, journal = {Экология моря}, volume = {62}, pages = {25-29}, bsphytonum = {42}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{ProshkinaLavrenko1959a, author = {Proshkina-Lavrenko A. I.}, title = {Современные и ископаемые силикофлагеллаты и эбриидеи Черноморского бассейна}, year = 1959, journal = {Тр. Бин АН СССР}, volume = {II}, number = {12}, pages = {142-175}, bsphytonum = {43}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{ProshkinaLavrenko1955, author = {Proshkina-Lavrenko A. I.}, title = {Реликтовые диатомовые в планктоне Черного моря}, year = 1955, journal = {Бот. матер. отд. споров. раст. БИН АН СССР}, volume = {X}, pages = {45-54}, bsphytonum = {44}, bsphyto = {x} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Koray2004, author = {Koray T.}, title = {Potentially Toxic and Harmful Phytoplankton Species Along the Coast of the Turkish Seas}, booktitle = {Steidinger, K. A., J. H. Landsberg, C. R. Tomas, and G. A. Vargo (Eds.). 2004. Harmful Algae 2002. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO}, year = 2004, address = {St. Petersburg, Florida, USA}, pages = {335-337}, bsphytonum = {45}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{ProshkinaLavrenko1955b, author = {Proshkina-Lavrenko A. I.}, title = {Новые и интересные виды рода Chaetoceros из Черного Моря. II.}, year = 1955, journal = {Бот. матер. отд. споров. раст. БИН АН СССР}, volume = {X}, pages = {62-69}, bsphytonum = {46}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Terenko2005, author = {Terenko L.}, title = {New dinoflagellate (DINOFLAGELLATE) species from the Odessa bay of the Black Sea}, year = 2005, journal = {Oceanol. Hydrobiol. Stud.}, number = {34}, pages = {205-216}, note = {Suppl. 3} bsphytonum = {47}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Krakhmalny2001, author = {Krakhmalnyi A.F.}, title = {Gymnodinium radiatum Kofoid et Swezy (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyta): New species for Black Sea flora}, year = 2001, journal = {Ukrayins’kyi Botanichnyi Zhurnal}, volume = {58}, number = {5}, pages = {593–595}, bsphytonum = {48}, bsphyto = {x} } @INCOLLECTION{Skolka1989, author = "Skolka V.H. and Roban A.", title = "La repartition et la dynamique du phytoplancton sur la plate-forme continentale roumaine au cours des annees 1980-1981", editor = A.S. Bologa [et al.]", institution = "L'Institut roumain de rechercher marines (I.R.C.M.)", address = "Constanta", booktitle = "Recherches marines", year = 1989, pages = {147-171}, bsphytonum = {49}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Sukhanova1990, author = "Sukhanova I. N. and A. Ye. Cheban", title = {Heterotrophic phytoplankton of the Black Sea in the early spring development of the phytocenosis}, year = 1990, journal = {Oceanology}, volume = {30}, number = {6}, pages = {724–792}, bsphytonum = {50}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Bityukov1993, author = {Bityukov E. P. and Evstigneev P. V. and Tokarev Yu. N.}, title = {Luminescent dinoflagellata of the Black Sea as affected by anthropogenic factors}, year = 1993, journal = {Hydrobiological Journal}, volume = {29}, pages = {27-34}, bsphytonum = {51}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Eker-Develi2009, author = {Eker-Develi E. and Velikova V.}, title = {New record of a dinoflagellate species, Lessardia elongata in the Black Sea}, year = 2009, journal = {Marine Biodiversity Records}, volume = {2}, number = {e104}, pages = {1-3}, bsphytonum = {52}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Bryantseva2005, author = {Bryantseva Yu.V.}, title = {Морфометрические характеристики микроводоросли Apedinella spinifera (Throndsen) Throndsen (Dictyochophyceae) из Севастопольской бухты}, year = 2005, journal = {Морск. экол. журн.}, volume = {4}, number = {2}, pages = {22}, bsphytonum = {53}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Stroikina1950, author = {Stroikina V.G.}, title = {Фитопланктон Черного моря в районе Карадага и его сезонная динамика}, journal = {Труды Карадагской биологической станции академии наук Украинской ССР}, number = {10}, address = {Киев}, year = 1950, pages = {38-52}, bsphytonum ={54}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Stroikina1940, author = {Stroikina V.G.}, title = { Деякi данi про склад фiтопланктону Карадагського району Черного моря}, journal = {Тр. Карадагськоi бiолог. ст.}, number = {6}, address = {Киiв}, year = 1940, pages = {94-96}, bsphytonum ={55}, bsphyto = {x} } @INCOLLECTION{Nikitin1939, author = {Nikitin V.N.}, title = {Планктон Батумской бухты и его годичные изменения}, booktitle = {Сб. в честь научн. деят. Н. М. Книповича}, year = 1939, address = {Москва}, pages = {63-86}, bsphytonum = {56}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Manzhos2008, author = {Manzhos L.A.}, title = {Abundance and distribution of phytoplankton in the feodosia coastal waters in December 2006}, year = 2008, journal = {Ecologija morja}, number = {75}, pages = {16-22}, bsphytonum = {57}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Mikhaylovskaya1936, author = {Mikhaylovskaya Z.N.}, title = {Phytoplankton of the bay of Novorossiysk and its vertical distribution}, year = 1936, journal = {Works of the V.M. Arnoldi biological station of Novorossiysk}, volume = {II}, number = {1}, pages = {37-54}, bsphytonum = {58}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{Zernov1904, author = {Zernov S.A.}, title = {To the issue of annual change of the Black sea plankton near Sevastopol}, journal = {Works of the biological station of Sevastopol}, number = {7}, year = 1904, pages = {1-16}, bsphytonum ={59}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{ProshkinaLavrenko1961, author = {Proshkina-Lavrenko A. I.}, title = {Новые диатомовые водоросли из Черного и Азовского морей}, year = 1961, journal = {Бот. матер. отд. споров. раст. БИН АН СССР}, volume = {XIV}, pages = {33-39}, bsphytonum = {60}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{ProshkinaLavrenko1953, author = {Proshkina-Lavrenko A. I.}, title = {Новые и интересные виды рода Chaetoceros из Черного моря. I.}, year = 1953, journal = {Бот. матер. отд. споров. раст. БИН АН СССР}, volume = {IX}, pages = {46-56}, bsphytonum = {61}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{ProshkinaLavrenko1953a, author = {Proshkina-Lavrenko A. I.}, title = {Новые и недостаточно изученные диатомовые водоросли СССР. I.}, year = 1953, journal = {Бот. матер. отд. споров. раст. БИН АН СССР}, volume = {IX}, pages = {56-64}, bsphytonum = {62}, bsphyto = {x} } @INCOLLECTION{Senichkina1983, author = {Senichkina L.G.}, title = {Фитопланктон северо-западной части Черного моря в зимний период}, year = 1983, booktitle = {Сезонные изменения черноморского планктона}, publisher = {Наука}, address = {М.}, pages = {55 - 65}, bsphytonum = {63}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{ProshkinaLavrenko1961a, author = {Proshkina-Lavrenko A. I.}, title = {О приоритете и о таксономии Chaetoceros abnormis Pr.-Lavr.}, year = 1961, journal = {Бот. матер. отд. споров. раст. БИН АН СССР}, volume = {XIV}, pages = {39-40}, bsphytonum = {64}, bsphyto = {x} } @ARTICLE{ProshkinaLavrenko1961b, author = {Proshkina-Lavrenko A. 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