Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist
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Внимание! Разработка сайта прекращена в 2014 году. Сайт не поддрживается и не обновляется. Информация на сайте может быть устаревшей.
Skolka V.H., Roban A., 1989
From Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist
Skolka V.H., Roban A., 1989. La repartition et la dynamique du phytoplancton sur la plate-forme continentale roumaine au cours des annees 1980-1981. In: Recherches marines/ed. A.S. Bologa [et al.]; I.R.C.M. - Constanta 1989. - Vol.22, 147-171pp.
Period: 1980 - 1981
Abstract:The paper presents the space distributions and the time dynamics of the phytoplankton above the Romanian shelf till to the 31° Meridian in 1980 and 1981. A number of 126 phytoplanktonic species belonging to six systematic groups are identified. The average biomasses values are 2.767 mg/m3 in 1980 and 1.391 mg/m3 as compared to 1.O65 mg/m3 in 1979.The recorded quantities are a proof of the fertilising role played by the Danube river waters.
Map: Sampling stations during 1980 (circles) and 1981(triangle) years.
To Do: not included:
- Monoraphydium pusillum PRINTZ.
- Closterium littorale GAY
- Synecoccocus marinus ERCEG.