Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist

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From Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist

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Appearance in checklists

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 - Ivanov A.I. (1965) Characteristics of the qualitative composition of Black Sea phytoplankton. In: The study of plankton of the Black and Azov seas. Kiev: Naukovs. Dumka, 17-35.
2 - Mikaelyan A.S., Senichkina L.G., Pautova L.A., Georgieva L.V., Dyakonov V., 2008 Cell volumes of phytoplankton of the Black Sea
3 - Polikarpov I.G., Saburova M.A., Manzhos T.V., Pavlovskaya T.V., Gavrilova N.A., 2003 Microplankton biological diversity in the Black Sea coastal zone near Sevastopol (2001-2003). In: Modern condition of biological diversity in near-shore zone of Crimea (the Black sea sector)
4 - Petranu, A., 1997. Black Sea Biological Diversity, Romania. Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 4, United Nations Publication, New York, 314 pp.
5 - Komakhidze, A. & N. Mazmanidi, 1998. Black Sea Biological Diversity, Georgia. Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 8. United Nations Publications, New York, 167 pp.
6 - Konsulov, A., 1998. Black Sea Biological diversity, Bulgaria. Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 5. United Nations Publications, New York, 131 pp.
7 - Ozturk, B., 1998. Black Sea Biological diversity, Turkey. Black Sea Environmental Series. United Nations Publications, New York, 144 pp.
8 - Zaitsev, Y. P. & B. G. Alexandrov, 1998. Black Sea Biological Diversity,Ukraine. Black Sea Environmental Series, Vol. 7. United Nations Publications, New York, 351 pp.
9 - Gomez F., Boicenko L.,2004. An annotated checklist of dinoflagellates in the Black Sea. Hidrobiologia. 2004. V. 517. P. 43–59.
10 - Senicheva M.I., 2008. Species diversity, seasonal and annual variability of plankton microalgae near Crimea coast.// The Black Sea microalgae: problems of biodiversity preservation and biotechnological usage. NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. – Sevastopol. 2008. – Ch. I p. 5-18
11 - S. Moncheva(IO-BAS), 2010. Species lists based on sampling identifications and literature. Bulgarian waters
12 - O.Yasakova, 2010. Phytoplankton of the northern-eastern part of Black Sea 1995 -2009
13 - Pereyaslavtseva, S. M. 1886, Protoza of the Black Sea. Notes of. Novorossiysk naturalists society, V.10, N2: 79-144. , (in. Russian)
14 - A.Krahmalniy, Black Sea Dinophyta. Ukrainian waters. List compiled by A.Krahmalniy.
15 - Kiselev I.A., 1950. Thecate Flagellates (Dinoflagellata) of the Seas and Freshwater Reservoirs of the USSR, USSR Acad. Sci. Publ. House, Moscow, Leningrad (1950). 16 - Proshkina-Lavrenko A.I.,1955. Diatomovye vodorosli planktona Chernogo morya. M. –L.: AN SSSR, 1955. 222 c.

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