Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist
Attention! The site was discontinued in 2014. The site is not supported and is not updated. Information on the site may be out of date.
Внимание! Разработка сайта прекращена в 2014 году. Сайт не поддрживается и не обновляется. Информация на сайте может быть устаревшей.
Morozova-Vodyanitskaya N.V., 1954
From Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist
Morozova-Vodyanitskaya N.V., 1954. Phytoplankton of the Black Sea: Part 2 Tr. Sevast. Biol. Stantsii 8, 11-99. (1954)
List was created based on data collected by Sevastopol Biological Stations near Crimea and in central part of the Black Sea.
Status: List is in work (didn't finished)
Period: 1949 - 1951
Group: Phytoplankton