Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist
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Sukhanova I. N. & A. Ye. Cheban, 1990
From Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist
Sukhanova, I. N. & A. Ye. Cheban, 1990. Heterotrophic phytoplankton of the Black Sea in the early spring development of the phytocenosis. Oceanology 30: 724–792.
Species composition and quantitative distribution of heterotrophic algae were studied during the spring diatom bloom over the open areas of the sea and over the northwestern shelf. The list of heterotrophic species compiled by published and our data includes 26 species. During the spring time heterotrophic phytoplankton amounted from 0,5 to 38,5% of the wet biomass of total phytoplankton. Abundans, biomass and share of heterotrophic phytoplankton were the highest in the central and western Black sea and the lowest over the northwestern shelf and in area of Batumi gyre. The percentage of heterotrophic forms in total phytoplankton increased while the diatom spring bloom passed. Protoperidinium pellucidum was the main heterotrophic form (75—95% of total heterotrophic phytoplankton biomass). During the whole spring bloom the changes in the vertical distribution of the heterotrophic forms were similar to thise of photosynthe-tic phytoplankton. Clearance rate for Protoperidinium pellucidum essessed. It was found that in heterotrophic diniflagellates it is nearly the same as in infusorians.
Not found:
- Gymnodinium abbreviatum
In Gomez F. & Boicenko L., 2004 Gymnodinium abbreviatum mentioned as Gymnodinium gracile Gymnodinium gracile Bergh [= G. spirale var. nobilis Pouchet, G. roseum Lohmann, G. abbreviatum Kofoid et Swezy, G. lohmannii Paulsen]
Assumed that in this publication 2 species has wrong names:
- Protoperidinium orbiculare - Peridinium orbiculare
- Protoperidinium minusculum - Peridinium minusculum
ToDo: add 1 species