Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist

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Talk:Prorocentrum rostratum

From Black Sea Phytoplankton checklist

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Gomez F. & Boicenko L., 2004 links on

  • 1 - Moncheva, S., L. Doncheva & L. Kamburska, 2001a. On the long-tem response of harmful algal blooms to the evolution of eutrophication off the Bulgarian Black Sea coast: are recent changes a sign of recovery of the ecosystem -the uncertainties. In Hallegraeff, G. M., S. I. Blackburn, C. J. Bolch & R. J. Lewis (eds), Harmful Algal Blooms. Proceeding of the IX International Conference of Harmful Algal Blooms, UNESCO-IOC, Hobart, Australia: 177–181.
  • 2 - Moncheva, S., O. Gotsis-Skretas, K. Pagou & A. Krastev, 2001b. Phytoplankton blooms in Black Sea and Mediterranean coastal ecosystems subjected to anthropogenic eutrophication: similarities and differences. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 53:281–295.

1 doesn't contain Prorocentrum rostratum or Prorocentrum styliferum

2 contains Prorocentrum rostratum, but it is mentioned for the Aegean Sea (Thermaikos Gulf)

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